FC FreakyClown and Dr. Jessica Barker
Appearing together in a unique presentation, ethical hacker and social engineer “Freakyclown” FC and cybersecurity humanist Dr. Jessica Barker provide brilliant cybersecurity insights and strategies drawn from their particular areas of expertise.
As an ethical hacker for the last three decades, FC (a.k.a. Freakyclown) has helped thousands of banks, governments and other organizations advance their security. In his witty and edgy style, he demonstrates the “hacker’s perspective” for live audiences, taking them on a roller coaster ride through the security issues, both physical and digital, that have enabled him to compromise the world’s largest banks and organizations.
In the same program, award-winning cybersecurity leader Dr. Jessica Barker explores the psychology, neuroscience and sociology of scams, using real-world examples to help audiences understand human vulnerabilities and how cybercriminals use emotional bait in order to make us click before we think.
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