Claire Haidar
Part chaos, part rocket fuel, Claire Haidar is a technology entrepreneur, student pilot and future thinker about all things human, work and play.
Human acceleration and education have always been my two biggest passions. I see work as a giant playground. Claire Haidar
She believes that work is now a chaotic place. This is good and ultimately positive for humanity, but it’s highly disruptive for the foreseeable future. Chaos theory defined is this: what appears to be chaotic is in fact a complex system, where a lot of micro changes are happening regularly, in a seemingly unpredictable way.
Work on a global level is adopting these exact characteristics. Claire’s deep passion lies in enabling individuals, teams and organizations to embrace behaviors that enable them to move into this new world of work.
She and the team she leads at WNDYR, are using data and AI to understand how and where distributed teams are working inside multiple systems. They construct visual digital assembly lines for their clients, enabling them to optimize their work and teams.
In compelling, vibrant presentations, Claire shares her deep, highly contagious enthusiasm and belief in the power of technology to enable human acceleration, optimum organizational performance and workspaces that help the humans who work there — physically or remote — to thrive.
WNDYR — the name combines the concepts of Wondering and Wandering — has grown from a mere idea into a global company, serving customers across the globe. It has attracted an impressive diverse team and partners who all want to shift the world just a little... or maybe a lot!
Claire challenges the status quo, pushes the boundaries on what is possible, and asks the big questions that a lot of us are afraid to really confront and act on. If you want your mental boxes to be challenged, if you want to color outside the lines, then invite Claire to challenge your team or audience on topics such as the future of work in a world of chaos and robots, play as an essential part of work, human acceleration in an automated world and visualizing organizations at work as playgrounds.
She’s building a rocket... you’ll want to board this one.
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