Cal Thomas
Drawing on the past, present, and future of American politics, conservative columnist, Cal Thomas shares his sage, common-sense approach to analyzing the proposals coming from American politicians and how we can best solve our country’s most critical issues.
One of the most highly respected voices on the American political scene, Cal is a popular syndicated op-ed columnist, a former FOX News political contributor, and the author of several books on American culture and politics, including his latest, America's Expiration Date: The Fall of Empires, Superpowers and the Future of the United States. For more than a decade, Cal co-authored the popular USA Today column, Common Sense with longtime friend and left-leaning strategist, Bob Beckel, demonstrating that unity and compromise can be achieved despite opposing viewpoints.
Cal offers his seasoned perspective of the American political landscape and probes the historical conditions and decisions that have shaped it. With wisdom and insight, he offers practical remedies to help solve the major problems of recent generations so future generations can build on that success and progress.
His thought-provoking analysis and constructive, bipartisan commentary on politics and culture leave audiences informed and encouraged that today’s thought leaders have their eyes on what matters most, and that every American has the power to make a difference on the world.
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