Anthony TrucksHeadshot

Anthony Trucks

Former NFL football player, American Ninja Warrior competitor, peak performance coach and entrepreneur
Fee Range $20,001 - $30,000 *
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Sharing his inspiring, against-all-odds journey from foster child to NFL player to successful business owner, Anthony Trucks helps individuals and organizations achieve their full potential by shifting their identity to reach peak performance.

Anthony Trucks has accomplished what statistics would show is impossible. At the age of three years old he was placed into the foster care system, where he remained until age 14, when he was adopted by a poor white family. In high school he set a challenging and lofty goal for himself … making the varsity football team. Hard work and determination lead to Anthony not only making the team but being offered a full ride scholarship to the University of Oregon and ultimately going pro in the NFL.

A fluke shoulder injury sent his NFL dreams crashing down just as quickly as they’d come. Drawing on what he had learned in childhood, Anthony realized that he had to pivot quickly. With a degree in kinesiology, Anthony decided to open his own gym. However, it wasn’t long before Anthony found himself run down with a struggling business and a personal life that was suffering as well.

A conversation with a friend reminded Anthony that others viewed him as an inspiration and a hero because, despite the odds, he always overcame. In that moment, Anthony began to think, “what if I could be an inspiration for others?” It occurred to Anthony that the gap between his current situation and his desired outcome wasn’t a method or a secret marketing strategy. What was missing, was within.

Anthony once again put in the work. He spent years researching, practicing, and essentially rewiring his brain on a deep psychological level to achieve the necessary changes to become the person he wanted to be. Little by little, he slowly became a well-oiled “shift making” machine.

Now it is Anthony’s passion and life’s mission to pass along the knowledge that took him 30+ years to learn. As the founder of “Dark Work” and creator of the “Dark Work Experience” Anthony teaches people how to access the power of their identity through Dark Work, tap into their full potential, and Make Shift Happen!

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