Keyword Results
Emotional Intelligence
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Shawn Achor
Shawn Achor
Harvard professor of positive psychology and author of The Happiness Advantage
- Author;
- psychology;
- The Happiness Advantage;
- Leadership;
- Peak Performance;
- Emotional Intelligence
- Author;
- Leadership;
- Corporate Culture;
- Emotional Intelligence;
- Wellness;
- Inspiration;
- Resilience;
- Life Balance;
- Stress Management
Erica Dhawan
Erica Dhawan
Leading Authority on 21st Century Teamwork, Collaboration, and Innovation; author of WSJ bestseller Digital Body Language; #1 Top Women Keynote Speakers; Thinkers50 Top Management Expert
- Corporate Culture;
- Business Leadership;
- Author;
- Emotional Intelligence;
- Change;
- Innovation;
- Technology;
- Teamwork;
- Business Strategy;
- Inspiration;
- Digital Body Language;
- Sales Strategies
Michelle Gielan
Michelle Gielan
Positivity Expert and Researcher; Best-Selling Author of Broadcasting Happiness: The Science of Igniting and Sustaining Positive Change
- The Happiness Advantage;
- Emotional Intelligence;
- Resilience;
- Peak Performance;
- High Performing Teams
- Delivering Happiness;
- Zappos;
- Corporate Culture;
- Customer Service;
- Emotional Intelligence
Michelle Poler
Michelle Poler
Founder of Hello Fears, a social movement inspiring over 50 million people worldwide to choose growth over comfort
- Inspiration;
- Self-empowerment;
- Social Issues;
- Motivation;
- Latinos;
- Diversity;
- Emotional Intelligence
April Rinne
April Rinne
One of Forbes’ Leading Female Futurists and Author of the Bestseller Flux: 8 Superpowers for Thriving in Constant Change
- Leadership;
- Future Trends;
- Wellness;
- Mental Health;
- Emotional Intelligence;
- Change Management;
- Resilience;
- Change
Emma Seppälä, Ph.D.
Emma Seppälä, Ph.D.
Renowned research psychologist, emotional intelligence and resiliency expert and bestselling author of The Happiness Track
- psychology;
- Leadership;
- Corporate Culture;
- Resilience;
- Emotional Intelligence
Alan Stein, Jr.
Alan Stein, Jr.
Acclaimed performance coach who has worked with some of the highest-performing NBA athletes in the world
- Peak Performance;
- Performance Management;
- Leadership;
- Teamwork;
- Communication;
- Success;
- Sales Strategies;
- Emotional Intelligence